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Global Alliance For Buildings And Construction

Founded at COP21, hosted by the United Nations Environment Programme and with 271 members, including 38 countries, the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction (GlobalABC) is the leading global platform for all buildings stakeholders committed to a zero-emission, efficient and resilient buildings, and construction sector. The GlobalABC is a global advocate for market transformation and focuses on catalysing action by defining a carbon neutrality strategy for the built environment.

The GlobalABC co-leads the Human Settlements Pathway under the Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action, which outlines the 2030 and 2050 decarbonization goals. It supports countries in setting priorities and measures based on their situation: GlobalABC develops policy guidance and global and regional buildings and construction roadmaps outlining aspirational targets, timelines, and key actions for essential policies and technologies, offering a model for national and city-level buildings and construction roadmaps to support and raise the ambition of NDCs.

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Commonwealth Association of Surveying And Land Economy

The formation of CASLE was inspired by the Commonwealth Foundation, which itself had been established by the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting (CHOGM) in 1965. In consultation with the Commonwealth Foundation, CASLE was actually formed by the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) in 1969, as an association of independent professional societies and other bodies, in the field of surveying, land and marine economy. CASLE aims to foster the development of the profession in Commonwealth countries, including appropriate standards of education and training, and it aims to facilitate the transfer of technology with dialogue between member institutions and others, including governments.

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Commonwealth Engineers Council

The Commonwealth Engineers’ Council is a global network whose aim is to advance the science, art and practice of engineering for the benefit of humankind. CEC Membership is open to all engineering institutions and societies across the 54 countries of the Commonwealth. Engineering is at the heart of social and economic development. As engineers we recognise our responsibility and the importance of working closely with other professions and with the engineering community at large.

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Commonwealth Heritage Forum

The Commonwealth Heritage Forum is a membership organisation open to all interested in the shared built heritage of the Commonwealth. In addition to regular newsletters, webinars and events, it manages the largest ever Commonwealth heritage project – the £4.5 million Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Commonwealth Heritage Skills Training Programme which provides opportunities for young people to develop the skills needed to save the heritage that they value, and to help deliver sustainable economic growth by adapting and reusing the legacy of the past.

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Commonwealth Lawyers Association

The Commonwealth Lawyers’ Association (CLA) exists to maintain and promote the rule of law throughout the Commonwealth by ensuring that an independent and efficient legal profession serves the people of the Commonwealth. Commonwealth countries share a substantial common ground in their legal systems. The CLA is committed to the preservation of the highest standards of ethics and integrity and to the furtherance of the rule of law for the benefit of the citizens of the Commonwealth. Visit www.commonwealthlawyers.com to learn more.

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The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) is mandated by the UN General Assembly to promote socially and environmentally sustainable towns and cities. UN-Habitat is the focal point for all urbanization and human settlement matters within the UN system. UN-Habitat works with partners to build inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities and communities. UN-Habitat promotes urbanization as a positive transformative force for people and communities, reducing inequality, discrimination, and poverty. UN-Habitat works in over 90 countries to promote transformative change in cities and human settlements through knowledge, policy advice, technical assistance, and collaborative action.

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Commonwealth Youth For Sustainable Urbanisation

The Commonwealth Youth for Sustainable Urbanisation network (CYSU) was launched at the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM 2022) in Kigali, Rwanda. It was convened as a response to the Call to Action on Sustainable Urbanisation across the Commonwealth, launched in 2021 by the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Initiative, which acknowledges the importance of youth in sustainable urbanisation. The network builds on the Youth Manifesto for Sustainable Urbanism launched at CHOGM 2018 in London. A unique aspect of this network, reflecting the Call to Action, is recognising the need to foster interdisciplinarity between young professionals in beginning their careers, in related sectors such as the built environment professions, local government and academia.

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The King’s Foundation

The King’s Foundation provides holistic solutions to key challenges facing the world today – including the triple threat of climate change, rapid urbanisation and natural resource depletion. Inspired by the vision of its founder, The Prince Charles, former Prince of Wales, The King’s Foundation champions and delivers a sustainable approach to how we live our lives and build our communities – central to which is the way we plan and then build the villages, towns and cities of our world.

For over thirty years, The King’s Foundation has worked with communities, partners and academic institutions to promote, demonstrate and deliver sustainable urban development. The Foundation has long advocated for a people-centred multi-disciplinary approach that puts communities at the centre of urban development, helping to address the global challenges of urbanisation and climate change through methodologies developed and employed through a Learn-Practice-Teach model.

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Commonwealth Local Government Forum

The Commonwealth Local Government Forum (CLGF) brings together cities and local governments, local government associations and ministries with responsibility for local government from across the Commonwealth to enhance local democracy, strengthen local government policy and capacity; and to facilitate a network of local government stakeholders committed to exchange of experience, good practice and learning. CLGF is an Associated Commonwealth organisation, recognised by Heads of Government, and a proud founding partner of the Commonwealth Sustainable Cities Initiative (CSCI). CLGF has Board members and offices in all regions of the Commonwealth working closely with its members and the secretariat in London to deliver programmes and activities.

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Commonwealth Association of Planners

The Commonwealth Association of Planners (CAP) has been connecting planners and advancing planning across the Commonwealth for over 50 years. Today this global institution plays an increasingly significant role in promoting planning as fundamental for sustainable human settlements, mitigating the impacts of climate change and building resilient communities. CAP brings together 30 national professional planning organisations representing over 40,000 professional planners. Members organisations operate at all levels of government and in the private sector, non-government organizations and community-based associations. Most importantly, they work in communities large and small. This is CAP’s strength: the combined knowledge and experience of professional planners who span the globe.

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Association of Commonwealth Universities

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is an international organisation dedicated to bringing universities together to find solutions to global challenges. International collaboration is central to this ambition. None of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals can be achieved without the contribution of higher education – through research, innovation, education, and community engagement. We have over 500 member universities in 50 countries across the Commonwealth. 66% of our members are in low- and middle-income countries, and 5% are in small states. We champion higher education as a cornerstone of stronger societies, supporting our members, partners, and stakeholders as they adapt to a changing world.

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The Commonwealth

The Commonwealth is a voluntary association of 56 independent and equal countries. It is home to 2.5 billion people and includes both advanced economies and developing countries. 32 of our members are small states, including many island nations. Our member governments have agreed to shared goals like development, democracy, and peace. Our values and principles are expressed in the Commonwealth Charter. The Commonwealth’s roots go back to the British Empire. But today any country can join the modern Commonwealth. The last two countries to join the Commonwealth were Gabon and Togo in 2022.

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